Thursday, 14 November 2013

Nurturing Fertility with Yoga at Mount Sinai Hospital

I had the privilege of leading a group of beautiful ladies last night through a nurturing and healing practice of yoga and meditation for fertility.  They were so gracious and supportive of each other, it was truly an uplifting experience.  I could feel so much beautiful positive energy in the room.  I am grateful to be a part of their journey.  Wishing them many blessings.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

YIN YOGA WORKSHOP at Jaya Yoga Centre

 with Effie 

Join us for a journey of self-exploration and deep healing
4 Sessions starting October 20th 6:45-8pm

Yin is a nourishing practice that complements a busy yang lifestyle, nurturing calmness and balance for the mind, body, and spirit.


Yin involves long held poses on the mat.  Props support your body so that your muscles release tension and you can delve deep into the connective tissues of the body.  Awareness is explored, compassion is cultivated, and deep healing is liberated.

You send your body signals to repair and revitalize:
·      Physically: Your joints are strengthened, enjoy increased flexibility and mobility
·      Energetically: Energy flow is stimulated, blockages removed, enjoy balanced energy and increased vitality
·      Mentally: Long held tension is released, enjoy stress relief
·      Emotionally: Regulate emotions and deepen compassion

Oct. 20:  Explore the principles of Yin’s healing properties within a Beginner flow class
Nov. 3:   Experience a Yin Flow for increased mobility and strength in the spine
Nov. 10: Experience a Yin Flow for increased mobility and strength in the hips and legs.
Nov. 17: Discover Yin for the whole body

Early bird $72 + HST
Late bird $80 + HST  
Registration is required for this workshop

647.352.JAYA (5292)


Monday, 2 September 2013

August 26-September 1, 2013 Yin Yoga Training with Bernie Clark and Diana Batts (Vancouver)

What an enriching experiencing, for my teaching, but also for my soul. The days were long and began with meditation and yin yoga at 7am, but yet as each day came to a close I didn't wish it to end. I made sure to take many mindful moments to really soak in what I was experiencing. Bernie has a special gift of teaching his passion for science, anatomy, energy, philosophy, and yoga in a very organized and riveting manner. I learned so much about connective tissue and human skeletal variation. I really feel that I am able to facilitate the health of these tissues and the liberation of the energy that flows through them. Much compassion is cultivated for those who are unable to fold themselves into poses- it's not that you're not open enough, there is nothing wrong with you, your bones fit together exactly as they were meant to be! I was surprised to see that my own recognition of the complementary nature between Eastern and Western views of spirituality and psychology were also in line with Bernie's teachings. He also brought an amazing awareness behind the science of energy. I learned some new tricks to energy healing called well as yin yoga of course! It was an enlightening week of yoga, meditation, insight, and lovely people to share it with

June 29-30, 2013- Hay House I Can Do It Conference

What Can You do? Everything is in your reach!
I was blessed to have an experience volunteering for this conscioussness raising event with my beloved. Sitting alongside him while hearing protests of positive change, inspiration, wisdom, and love lifted our hearts and transcended our relationship. I must say that I was rather star struck sitting in the third row looking up at Doreen Virtue. I wanted to ask the long tingling question of my soul but couldn't remember it in her presence. Only after we left the auditorium did I remember My quest for opening my intuition. Bruce Lipton dazzled us with the scientific explanation of the "honeymoon effect" and Gregg Braden showed us that by surrounding ourselves with love allows us to live longer and heal from disease! And of course Brian Weiss regressed me back to another life that gave me insight and understanding. And who could forget the wisdom of Dr. Wayne Dyer.

March 21-24, 2013- Toronto Annual Yoga Conference

What a lovely afternoon meeting people in promoting energy modalities of healing. I saw exhibits in meditation, chiropractic, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, crystal healing, nutrition, acupressure, massage, eco friendly products, psychics, and Yoga of course! I also saw a zen social worker, yay! Maybe one day I'll have my own exhibit! It's comforting to see that there's a whole conference that validates that healing your energy gives you great health, peace, and bliss. 

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Reiki Level 2 Training

I completed my Reiki Level 2 training in February 2013. It was a positively delightful experience.

Once I did the first level I was hooked to open my chakras even more with this second attunement. Now I can use the sacred symbols to intensify detoxification and healing and also take upon distance healing. I was amidst finishing my Masters of Social Work but still felt it important to take a weekend and pursue my journey of energy healing. I feel so honoured to be led on this journey of awakening to divine consciousness.