Friday, 3 April 2015

What is Reiki?

Reiki s a form of energy healing that creates balance within the physical body, mind, and energetic body. It primarily works to enhance the recipients’ life force and energy fields that maintain the entire human body. One’s life force energy is directly linked to their primary energy centres (chakras) and their endocrine system (whose glands are in the physical region of the chakras!). It is Universal Life Force energy that flows through the hands of the practitioner, who has been attuned and is a conduit of this energy.  Because at the core of our being we are essentially energy, from the primary Source/Universe, it is much easier to access any dis-ease by cleansing the energy centres, which the endocrine glands process. Therefore, healing can take place on multidimensional levels: physical, mental, emotional, and energetic. Since we are in the realm of Universal Life Energy, Reiki has no limits to time and space; a Reiki practitioner can send healing energy across a distance and throughout time.

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